Facebook Ad Learnings from Spending Over $47,000 Last Month

Over the past month, we spent over $47,000 on Facebook ads for one client...

Now, depending on where you are in your business, this amount may sound like a lot or a little to you...

Either way these tips are going to help you improve your results when running Facebook ads...

Tip #1: If you don't have enough pixel events for lookalikes then launch interest audiences by starting with what you know...

Primary interests - these are audiences that are directly related to the niche.

Secondary interests - these are audiences of things people use in the niche like sites, softwares, and tools.

Freaky interests - these are audiences that you never would have imagined worked for your niche Kardashian interest anyone?

Tip #2: Know your ROAS before you even spend $1 more on a campaign/adset.

Don't scale up a campaign/adset unless you know it's generating you great results...

Tip #3: Don’t use too many ads.

Once you're done testing you need to turn off all the underperforming ads and only have 1-3 ads per ad set that are proven to work.

When you use too many ads after you've already found your winning ads it can cause Facebook to have a hard time spreading your budget across all ads.

Facebook will not always spend that money on the best performing ones ads either so make sure to turn off the losers.

Tip #4: Don’t use too many audiences in your targeting.

All ad sets only use 1 audience. Keep your targeting broad and let your ad copy do the heavy lifting.

Facebook likes it when you keep it broad and they will optimize to show the ads to the correct audience for you.

Tip #5: Make sure your pixel is seasoned pretty good before you move into Lookalike Audiences.

You'll want at least 1,000+ pixel events before you roll into lookalikes.

You can still be VERY profitable using interest audiences, but when you transfer into lookalikes your mind will be blown at how fast the costs drop and the results take off.

Now if you want to generate consistent ROI's using Facebook ads...

Want to get consistent Facebook Ad Results...

Schedule a 1-on-1 coaching session with Chase here.


Get started with the Facebook Ads Expert Mastery Class.

To your success.

- Chase

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