25+ Facebook Ad Tips To Start Increasing Conversions

Here are 25 Facebook Ad tips that you can use to convert and get more purchases...

Tip #1: Your Offer Will Make or Break Your Campaign.

The better the offer the more likely it is that someone will convert.

Whether the offer is for a free item and they give you their email or the offer is a 50% off deal that nobody can refuse it's going to get more conversions than having no offer at all.  

Strong copy will not overcome a weak offer. But strong copy will accelerate the results of a strong offer.

Tip #2: Strong Direct Copy Will Increase Conversions.  

You need to write copy that calls out your exact audience.

The more direct your copy is the better.

When your copy calls out the exact audience you want, you'll see a huge lift in conversions.

The best part about this is Facebook shows your ad to the people you're trying to reach.

The last thing Facebook wants is your ad to be calling out a specific audience and it be shown to the opposite of who would buy your product. So the more direct you can be the better.

The algorithm will optimize to show your ad to the correct audience.

Another huge benefit of direct ad copy is it will prevent unqualified users from clicking on your ads. Which helps to maintain the highest of quality in your audiences.  

Tip #3: Track Purchase Conversions, Not Vanity Metrics.  

Don't worry about the link clicks, pageviews, or likes your ad gets...

Focus on what is going to move the bottom line by asking these questions...

How many purchase conversions did you get from the ad?

What was the return on ad spend? What is the cost per purchase?

When you ask those questions and focus on the main thing your going to end up improving your results...

The last thing that should matter is how many impressions or likes an ad got.

Likes will not pay the bill for your Facebook ads. But getting a ton of purchases sure will...  

Tip #4: Position.  

How should you position the ad copy for your product/service?

Should you position DOVE as a product for dry skin or as a product which gets you really clean?

To get Facebook ad results it's less about what you write and more about how you position it.

Your positioning should be decided before the ad is created.

Tip #5: Large Promise.

What should you promise to get someone to convert?

A promise is not a claim, or a theme, or a slogan.

It is a benefit.

It pays to promise a benefit which is unique and competitive.

And the product/service must deliver the benefit you promise.

Most Facebook Advertisers promise nothing.

And they are always doomed from the beginning.

Tip #6: Big Idea.

Unless your advertising is built on a BIG IDEA it will pass like a ship in the night.

It takes a big idea to jolt someone out of their feed to make them notice your ad and take action.

Big ideas are usually simple ideas, said Charles Kettering, the great General Motors inventor: “This problem, when solved, will be simple.” Big simple ideas that provide an easy solution to a common problem are not easy to come by.

It requires genius-and midnight oil.

A truly big one can be continued for years...

Tip #7: First-Class.

It pays to have an image of quality...

We've been conspicuously successful in doing this-for our clients.

If your advertising looks ugly, everyone will conclude that your product/service is shoddy, and they will be less likely to convert.

Tip #8: Don't Be Boring.

Nobody was ever bored into buying a product or service.

Yet most ads are impersonal, detached, cold and dull.

It pays to involve the user by using unique messaging.

Talk to them like a human being.

Tip #9: Don't Reinvent The Wheel.

It is a matter of co-innovating not reinventing.

There are plenty of Facebook ads that have widely been successful in so many different niches.

Take what works and improve on it through testing. It's less risky and you can still be innovative on growing a high ROAS.

Work smarter, not harder.

Tip #10: Psychological Segmentation.

Any good Facebook advertiser knows how to target demographic segments for a product/service.

But we've developed a proven system that allows you to focus your audience targeting on data-driven results.

Tapping into the psychological segments of your audience.

Our Facebook ads are aligned to the tunings of the ever-changing algorithm and scoff at competitor ads and attract the highest quality business owners.

Tip #11: Keep it Simple.

Most Facebook ads and audiences are too complicated.

They reflect a long list of random thoughts...and most Facebook advertisers embrace the divergent views of too many people they've taken advice from.

By attempting too many things, they will achieve nothing.

It pays to boil down your strategy to one simple process...

Tip #12: Headlines.

On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy...

So if don't have a good headline, you've already wasted 80 percent of your money.

That's why it's imperative to have a headline that states your bold promise.

Tip #13: Benefit In Headlines.

Headlines that promise a benefit convert more than those that don’t.

The bigger the promise the bigger the conversion rate.

Tip #14: Simple Headlines.

Your headline should simply say what you want to say-in simple language.

People scrolling through their feeds do not stop to decipher the meaning of your obscure headlines.

So keep it simple and get straight to the point.

Tip #15: Long or Short Headlines.

Long headlines convert more for high ticket.  

Short headlines convert more for eCommerce products.

Tip #16: Select Your Prospects.

When you create ads for a product which is consumed only by a specific group of people, it pays to “flag” that group in your headline...

Call them out right away in your ad copy.

"Mothers, -".

Tip #17: Yes, People Read Long Headlines.

Users fall off rapidly after a paragraph in, but it drops very little once someone makes it over that hump.  

So remember this...  “The more you tell, the more you sell.”

Tip #18: Obvious Photo/Video.

People glance first at the photo/video and if they are unsure what is going on they'll read the copy to find out.

So the more you can inject into your photo/video, to make it as clear as day what you're offering the more you'll get people to convert.

It is easier said than done.

Tip #19: Real Photos vs Graphics.

We've found that real photos convert across the board way more than any graphic art would.

They attract more people, generate more appetite appeal, are more believable, are better remembered, and convert more people into purchases.

People like to see people that's just human nature.

Tip #20: Use Sub-Headlines.

Twice as many people read the sub-headline under the main headline in your ad.

So many people underestimate that little piece of text and most will never enter anything into that box since it says "optional".

Each sub-headline should be a miniature ad for the product/service with brand name and promise.

Tip #21: Repeat Winners.

You should repeat your winners.

Whenever you find a winning ad run it in multiple ad sets and test variations of it in other campaigns...

Winners are winners for a reason. And they can be re-used much more frequently than you'd imagine...

So make sure you know how to find a winning ad...

Tip #22: Invest Time and Money Into Testing.

If you're not willing to invest time or money to find out what works versus what doesn't then don't run Facebook ads...

With Facebook ads you have to test...

You have to be willing to risk money and time...

If you can't afford to risk either of those then don't do it...

But if you can...

Then you'll eventually see the true value you can get from Facebook ads once you find that #1 winning strategy.

Tip #23: Audit Your data Weekly.

You need to know what is working and what is not working with your campaigns...  

Are your costs too high?

Is your ROAS too low?

Are you converting users into customers?

What part of the funnel is holding up conversions?

These are the questions you need to ask on a weekly basis.

If you do this daily you'll over analyze and make poor decisions when they should have not been made.

You need at least one week to track data and get enough insights to know what works and what does not work.

Tip #24: Include A Call To Action.

If you don't have call to actions how will anyone ever know what to do when they see your ad, landing page or sales page?

Call to actions are imperative...

You need a call to action on your ads...

You need a call action on your landing page...

You need a call to action on every page...

This is going to increase conversions if you implement more call to actions...

Tip #25 Be patient.

So many people lack this one and it destroys their business...

If you can just be patient and stick in there longer than anyone else you'll eventually succeed.

Overtime your results will start to compound and things will pick up...

Because with time comes data, knowledge, and ways to improve...

So stay patient and take massive action...

Want to get consistent Facebook Ad Results...

Schedule a 1-on-1 coaching session with Chase here.


Get started with the Facebook Ads Expert Mastery Class.

To your success.

- Chase

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